Welcome to the competition fixtures for the coming season. It is anticipated that there may be additional competitions added to this schedule, so please be sure to check this page for updates.
Training Tests
Riders who may wish to ride a more advanced test for training purposes may do so. Please get in touch with Dianne Wood well before the closing date and she will organise the details with you.
Riding competition tests H/C
Riders are welcome to enter any class Hors Concours (H/C). Normal entry procedures and tariffs apply.
Times will be available 2 days before the competition. These will be published via horsemonkey and available on our website.
In the unfortunate event that you must withdraw please contact the entry secretary. If a withdrawal is made before close of entries it may be possible to return your entry fee. Once entries are closed no refunds can be given.
Eligibility for classes
• Horse and rider combination may not have more than 35 BD points at the level above the one you wish to compete at (e.g. Prelim riders may not have more than 35 Novice BD points) • Horse and rider combination may not have competed two levels above the one you wish to compete at – either at BD or BRC competitions (e.g. Intro riders may not have done Novice BD or Novice team qualifiers)
Northern dressage group competitions will be judged by affiliated judges on the current BD judges panel.
Rules for Competition
NDG competitions are run under British Riding club rules. Hats to BRC standard must be worn and correctly fastened when mounted. Tack and dress guidelines must be observed.
Health & safety
During ALL club activities (competitions and training), everyone whilst mounted must wear a hard hat to at least British Riding Clubs minimum standard, with a harness correctly adjusted and fastened; boots with a heel and smooth sole and for cross country the correct body protection. Failure to do so will entail elimination. The NDG Health & Safety Policy is also available here
Refund policy
Cancellation of Competitions: Class refunds will be provided, however this will NOT include HorseMonkey or Stripe fees. This is classed as an administration fee. Membership: No refunds. Training: No refunds unless place can be filled. If an event is cancelled monies can be refunded without HM or Stripe fee. In additional they can be transferred to another training event.